Tomorrow, Laurie is attending a special celebration at the museum in Las Cruces where she volunteers: they are celebrating Lincoln's birthday with a special cake, not simply because it IS his birthday but also because the museum will be hosting the traveling Lincoln exhibit--a real coup for them.
But . . . it is also Darwin's birthday. And you do not hear about anyone celebrating HIS birthday. So we started brain-storming about what sort of food she could take to (in a friendly way) subvert the celebration and call attention to the fact that it IS also Darwin's birthday. And, Darwin is--arguably--at least as important a person (if not more so) than Lincoln in terms of his affect on life as we know it today.
Laurie even went so far as to post a thread to RecipeZaar soliciting ideas, but not ideology. Finch Pie, (Galapagos) Turtle Soup, and Monkey Brains (the dessert pastry, not the real thing) were among the items discussed. But we settled on a low level of effort solution: Chunky Monkey Ice Cream, to be brought out at the last minute as a surprise addition to the festivities.
I am waiting to hear how it goes . . .
I am waiting because I am in the middle of the Great American Corn Desert and cannot attend the festivities.
Happy Birthday! Charles and Abe.
monday work-tunes
10 years ago
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